The Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC) has issued a report following an independent evaluation of its surgical site infection improvement programme.
Osteoporosis New Zealand (ONZ) has published its Guidance on the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in New Zealand. This user-friendly and highly practical tool provides support to clinicians throughout the health system to deliver evidence-based practice for their patients who are at high risk of sustaining fragility fractures...
The ACC Consumer Outlook Group issued a Read Codes update in June 2016. Read Codes record an injury diagnosis and are used by ACC to keep track of the injury type, and determine the treatment and help a client may be entitled to. This update is in response to concerns about the processes around updating these codes and the information which needs to be provided to ACC.
A team of Australian researchers, in partnership with the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health has developed the first internationally-informed framework for developing and evaluating musculoskeletal Models of Care.
Please click here for information on metal on metal hip implants.
Select this link to view information on the Royal College of Physicians Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP).
The Fragility Fracture Network (FFN’s) mission is to promote globally the optimal multidisciplinary management of the patients with a fragility fracture, including secondary prevention. FFN is a fast growing organisation with global reach and a multidisciplinary membership.
NZMAT is a civilian-based disaster medical assistance team comprising clinical and allied staff including doctors, nurses, paramedics, allied health, and non-medical members such as logisticians.
Further information about NZMAT is available from the Ministry of Health website.