NZOA Practice Visit Programme

All NZOA members in operative practice are required to participate in the NZOA Practice Visit Programme (PVP). 

This is a regular practice review activity which forms part of the continuing professional development requirements of the Medical Council of New Zealand.  Each year the NZOA Continuing Professional Development and Standards Committee meets to select the participants in the programme.  Usually 30 surgeons will be selected as visitors with the same number selected to be visited (visitees).  Visits usually take place over two consecutive days with two visitees being visited by two visitors.  The visit process is a full 360 review of each visitee's practise.  

The Practice Visit Programme has Protected Quality Assurance status under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.  This means that any findings must remain confidential to the visited surgeon and CPD Committee and by law NZOA is not allowed to pass the information to anyone apart from the CPD Committee. 

NZOA members can find more information here.