Convenors Charlie Lewis and Ritwik Kejriwal worked with outgoing President Simon Hadlow to create a memorable event with overwhelmingly positive feedback.
This years ASM theme was 'Navigation and Robotics in Orthopaedics'

Over a quarter of the ASM delegates also attended the Knee and/or Sarcoma meetings in New Plymouth immediately prior to the ASM with respective programmes offering delegates a wealth of learning & connection opportunities. In total there were 212 attendees plus 80 sponsor reps & partners
Sunday sports & then the welcome function in the courtyard at the Devon Hotel
gave everyone a great chance to catch up
The meeting started Monday morning with a welcome ceremony & waiata led by Ken Te Tau

First up were interesting insights into Competency Based Education from other associations on the implementation and use of CBE in their training programmes
Over two days delegates enjoyed a top-tier lineup of global experts focusing on navigation and robotics in orthopaedics. Michelle Dickinson (aka Nanogirl) was the standout speaker based on feedback.
The black tie Gala Dinner was held Monday night with a 'Midsummer Nights Dream' theme.
The SET 5 year group who recently passed the Fellowship Exam were congratulated

Teriana Maheno was named Top Trainee & Matt D’Arcy won the Trainee Research Prize

New fellows were presented and Tim Lynskey was awarded NZOA Educator of the Year for his continuing dedication to orthopaedic training education

Simon Hadlow was farewelled as President and Khalid Mohammed begins his year as NZOA President. Second vice-president Ed Yee was welcomed to the Presidential Line.

The Gala dinner was a beautiful evening much enjoyed with the Carousel, colleagues & partners

Tuesday was another full day of excellent presentations & discussions before the meeting concluded at 4pm and the Presidents Dinner took place that evening at Okurukuru Vineyard.
Click HERE for a full gallery of ASM photos.
Thank you to all the delegates, guests, presenters, moderators, exhibitors, and sponsors for your participation, knowledge and expertise and to the many who supported us throughout the ASM.
If you have any event questions, feedback or requests, please contact the NZOA Conference & Events Manager Nikki Wright: or 027 280 1131