POSNZ 2025: Advancing Paediatric Neuro-Orthopaedics
CLICK HERE here for more information & to register
Greetings colleagues, in the joy and enthusiasm of the new year can I encourage you all to register for the upcoming POSNZ meeting in Auckland. Jon, Sue and Nichola are arranging a fantastic program with guest speakers who are leaders in the field of cerebral palsy and neuro-orthopaedics. They will bring their experience in treating neuromuscular conditions along with updates in practice and latest advances. There has been time made in the program to allow for questions and a summary of recent Delphi studies will be sent out prior to the meeting to stimulate discussion, along with a session on lessons learnt in difficult cases.
The social evening on friday evening will be a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues and there is free time available saturday afternoon to make the most of your stay in Auckland or travel home and be with family.
I look forward to seeing you all in Auckland.
Jason Donovan
Paediatric Society NZ President
For any enquiries, please contact Nikki: nikki@nzoa.org.nz